Marijuana Quiz

Cannabis had a bad reputation in the 20th century.  But as our country moves forward, attitudes have changed and marijuana has become more accepted.  It is now used  as a form of recreation as well as for medicinal purposes.  Check out the quiz below and test your knowledge on the subject.  Can you answer these questions on the legalization of marijuana?

What is the main psychoactive compound found in marijuana?

What does CBD stand for?

There are two main kinds of cannabis. Sativa and this strain, known to work well to reduce insomnia…

Along with Colorado, what was the first state to legalize marijuana for recreational use?

In what year did California legalize marijuana for medicinal use, making it the first state to do so?

According to states that have legalized marijuana for recreational use, how much tax revenue was generated in the last tax year?

Which US president signed a federal law that allowed states to legalize marijuana for medical use without federal interference?

Which state has the highest tax rate on purchases of marijuana for recreational use at 37%?

What candy has been commonly used for consuming marijuana making some parents nervous that marijuana is being targeted to children?

According to a 2022 Gallup Poll, what percentage of Americans believe marijuana should be legal in the United States?

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