Is the legalization of marijuana targeting our youth?

In recent years, the argument around the legalization of marijuana has intensified, SurveyInsiders conducted a poll about this debate.


In recent years, the debate around the legalization of marijuana has intensified, with proponents arguing that it should be legal for medicinal and recreational purposes, while opponents express concerns about the potential impact on public health, especially among teenagers. In a recent Teenagers and Marijuana Survey conducted by SurveyInsiders, people were asked about their views on the legalization of marijuana and its impact on teenagers.

The poll found that a majority of respondents, around 57%, believed that marijuana should be legal for both medicinal and recreational purposes. However, when it came to the potential impact of legalization on teenagers, opinions were more divided. Just over 50% of respondents believed that legalization would have a negative impact on teenagers, while 38% thought that it would have no impact, and 10% were unsure.

One of the primary concerns around the legalization of marijuana is that it could lead to increased use among teenagers. While some argue that legalization would reduce the appeal of marijuana among teenagers by removing the illicit nature of the drug, others worry that legalization would normalize marijuana use and make it more accessible to teenagers.

Research has shown that marijuana use can have negative effects on the developing brain, which continues to develop into the mid-20s. Regular use of marijuana can lead to impairments in memory, attention, and learning, as well as a higher risk of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. These risks are especially concerning for teenagers, who are still developing and are more susceptible to the negative effects of marijuana use.

However, proponents of legalization argue that regulating marijuana use could actually help to reduce access to the drug among teenagers. By implementing age restrictions and quality control measures, it could be possible to reduce the availability of marijuana to minors, just as is currently done with alcohol and tobacco.

Ultimately, the decision to legalize marijuana is a complex one that requires careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits. While the majority of respondents in the poll believed that marijuana should be legal for both medicinal and recreational purposes, concerns about the impact on teenagers cannot be ignored.

If marijuana is to be legalized, it will be important to implement measures to mitigate the potential risks to teenagers, such as age restrictions, quality control measures, and public education campaigns. By doing so, it may be possible to reduce the negative impact of marijuana on the developing brains of teenagers and ensure that legalization benefits society as a whole.

Got thoughts on this topic you want to share? Click here to visit our Marijuana Forum.

Think you know all about Marijuana? Take our Marijuana Quiz.

Need tips on talking to your teenager about Marijuana? Read this Marijuana and your Teenager Article.

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