Is Driving Becoming Too Dangerous?

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    Use this thread to discuss the survey “Is Driving Becoming Too Dangerous?”

    Ethan Andersoneanderson

    I was driving home from work on a busy highway and I saw a car swerve suddenly into my lane, almost hitting me. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid a collision. When I looked over at the driver, I saw that they were busy texting on their phone and not even looking at the road. So yes, I definitely think driving has never been more dangerous than now. I fear it will only get worse over time.

    Isabella Whiteiwhite98

    There’s too many distractions in a car these days. Plugging your phone into the car has to be the worst idea car companies have ever had. Even I am guilty of scrolling through my Spotify catalog while driving looking for a good song or podcast to listen to. Self driving cars can’t come soon enough.

    Olivia Wilsonowilson122

    Definitely becoming too dangerous. If you look at the statistics online, drunk driving accidents and deaths hasn’t changed much in the last 10-15 years. But apparently, the number of people using cell phones while driving has increased 127% from 2012-2021. We need stiffer penalties for people getting caught using cell phones in their car. Something needs to be done.

    Diana HammondsMIssFee1975

    Yes because you have to look out for other drivers as well.

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