Family Time Quiz

Take the SurveyInsider quiz on family time to test your knowledge on the importance of spending time with family, fun activities for families to enjoy together, and statistics on family dynamics. Challenge yourself and learn something new about the benefits of quality family time.

Research has shown that families who eat dinner together at least __________ a week have children who are less likely to use drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.

According to a study, how many minutes of daily conversation can improve a child’s reading skills?

What percentage of teens who frequently have family dinners say they have excellent relationships with their parents?

According to a study, how many minutes of family time per day can decrease a child’s stress levels?

According to a study, what percentage of adults report feeling burnt out after spending too much time with their families?

What percentage of adults report that spending time with their families is the most enjoyable use of their time?

A recent survey showed that people would rather…?

What percentage of Americans look forward to spending time with family during the holidays?

According to a recent poll, what is the most popular thing to do for a family night?

According to a recent survey, what is the most common reason for not spending enough family time together?

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