Chocolate Quiz

Chocolate, the sweet and delectable treat loved by many around the world, has a rich history dating back to ancient Mesoamerican cultures. Whether you're a fan of classic chocolate bars or adventurous chocolate flavors, there's no denying the irresistible allure of this beloved treat.

What is the name of the first chocolate bar ever created?

Which country produces the most chocolate in the world?

What is the main ingredient in white chocolate?

What is the name of the Swiss chocolate company known for its triangular-shaped chocolate bars?

What is the name of the substance found in chocolate that can cause a feeling of happiness?

Which country is known for creating the first chocolate chip cookie?

Which type of chocolate is made by mixing cocoa powder, sugar, and fat?

According to a survey conducted by the National Confectioners Association in 2021, what percentage of Americans list chocolate as their favorite dessert?

How much does the Chocolate industry earn in annual revenue in the United States?

What country is the largest consumer of chocolate?

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