Driving Safety Quiz

Is driving becoming too dangerous? With the increasing number of accidents caused by distracted driving, speeding, and other factors, many people are questioning whether driving is still a safe activity. Take this Driving Safety Quiz and see what you think?

What is the maximum blood alcohol content (BAC) level for drivers in most states?

Which of these actions is considered Distracted Driving

According to the CDC, how many deaths per year are caused by Distracted Driving?

What was the major reason for a decline in accidents in 2020?

What is the most common moving violation in the United States?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration approximately what percentage of accidents are caused by Road Rage?

What state had the most car accidents in 2022?

What is the leading cause of car crash fatalities in the U.S.?

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, what is the safest car currently in the United States?

According to a recent study, approximately how many lives did seatbelts save in 2022?

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